Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Citrus Salad (Grapefruit)

My Grandma Betty lived in Arizona and had several citrus trees in her backyard.  I loved to pick and eat the fruit when I visited her.  She made all sorts of popsicles and juices from them.  I always loved the way her grapefruit tasted so sweet and not at all sour.  She told me her secrets....  she said the bitterness in the grapefruit comes from the skin, so don't eat it!  Not the peel, the skin surrounding each section.  (There are actually a few people who eat the peel, blech!)  She said to find a juicy ripe orange, cut it in half, and squeeze all of the juice onto the grapefruit.  The way my Grandma ate it was to cut the grapefruit in half, squeeze the orange into it and then she used her spoon and carved out each half section and ate it one at a time.  I prefer to do the work all up front and then eat it, so I peel the grapefruit, separate the sections and tehn using a paring knife carfeully cut away and peel off the skins.  I also peeled and sliced some clementines to go with it.  The pomegranate was a nice addition too!

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