Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Grilled Cheese, Sausage and Fried Egg Breakfast Sandwich

One morning last week I was craving both a fried egg and a grilled cheese sandwich and couldn't decide which to make, so... I combined them and made this awesomeness right above!

Cook up a little ground sausage.  Fry an egg (I prefer sunny side up.)  Chop up the egg into little pieces.  Then butter your bread slices (I used a sourdough bread) and place one of them butter side down on a hot griddle pan.  Lay your American cheese slice on the bread and then add your egg and sausage on top of the cheese.  Place your other slice of buttered bread on top with the butter on the outside.  Flip the sandwich over and cook until the bread is toasty and golden brown.  Yum!  This was delish!   Why didn't I think of this before now?? 

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