Thursday, October 24, 2013

New York Style Cheesecake

I love this recipe!  It is really fairly simple to make this cheesecake, as long as you don't rush it!  Let the ingredients have time to come to room temperature before you make it.  Make sure you really mix them well in each step and then let it sit out after baking for 4 hours before refrigerating.  It really is better if it sits in the refrigerator overnight for 24 hours before you eat it!  I love it plain, but it is good with a fruit topping too.

New York Style Cheesecake
(Jim Fobel's Old-Fashioned Baking Book)
5 large eggs, room temperature
2 cups (one pint) sour cream, room temperature
4 8-ounce packages cream cheese, room temperature
8 tablespoons (one stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
Generously butter the inside of a 10-inch springform pan.  Wrap a double layer of heavy-duty aluminum foil tightly around the outside bottom and sides, crimping and pleating the foil to make it conform to the pan.  This will help to prevent water seeping into the pan when you put it into the bain-marie.  Position the baking rack in the center of the oven; preheat the oven to 300* Fahrenheit. 
In a large mixing bowl, using an electric mixer, beat the eggs with the sour cream until well blended.
In a medium-sized bowl, beat the cream cheese with the butter until smooth and creamy.  Add this to the egg-sour cream mixture and beat until smooth
Add the sugar, cornstarch, vanilla, lemon juice and lemon zest and beat thoroughly, about 2 minutes
Pour into the prepared springform pan and place in a roasting pan (or other pan) large enough to prevent the sides from touching.  Place in the oven and carefully pour in enough very hot tap water to reach halfway up the sides of the springform pan.
Bake for 2 hours, 15 minutes, or until the cake is very lightly colored and a knife inserted in the center emerges clean.  Remove from the water bath and carefully peel the aluminum foil from around the pan.  Let stand at room temperature until completely cool, about 4 hours.  Refrigerate, covered, until well chilled.  For best flavor and texture, this cheesecake is best chilled overnight.
(When I make this cheesecake it rises about 2-3 inches above my springform pan while baking.  When I take it out of the oven it is a little loose and wiggly, which it is supposed to be!  It will settle and lower back down as it cools.  I like to gently push the sides back in toward the pan so it will all settle together and not leave the edges on the outside of the pan. If that does happen it is easy to mold it back together.)

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